The Present, Realism or a Illusion

We have memories, ideas, projections, philosophies, dreams, intentions. We think. We dream. We act. We learn, read, write, speak. We invent, create, evolve, change, destroy. We sit, walk, run, sleep. We born and die.  

OK, Lets be fair, its human mind we are talking about. So, we all agree that it has untold possibilities. Even scientists are amazed. Science still is unable to know the unknown dimensions of human mind.They say, there are as many as connections inside human mind as there are stars in the universe. But lets be realistic, what is the point? Even when science understand this hidden truth of the mind, and i don't think they ever can, but lets assume they will someday, then what it can grant the human kind? Another new technology? A new method to solve mental illness? A Nobel Prize? 

Now, lets talk about present, about this moment. But which moment? Every time you say a moment, that moment passes and becomes past. And past is past. If you even can't understand a moment, can't identify the moment, how can you live in a moment? And if you can't understand, then you can't differentiate, then how can you tell that moment and this moment is a different one? Well, its obvious, you can feel, can't you? Yes, living in a moment is not about understanding, its about feeling, its about experience. Well, is it?

Is living moment by moment realism or a illusion?

Human mind is the supreme wanderer. You would freak out if you experience this nature of your mind. It wanders bidirectionally. It jumps from past to future and future to past. Mind wanders in thoughts, dreams, illusions, intentions, emotions, projections etc and the nature of these subjects of mind can only be of past or future.

Mind can't wander in present. In fact mind can't be in present. When you think your are feeling or experiencing this present moment, your mind is just finished analyzing that moment or the situation of that moment and you are only reacting on the outcome. You are not living in that moment. More accurately you are reacting, resonating, analyzing, thinking, memorizing, dreaming, planning but not being in the present, you miss out all the time. You miss present moment always, you are always absent, And when you are reacting or thinking over something that can only be some actions and situations of either past or future.

See, you cannot experience present moment if you are missing out the moment or more accurately if your mind is wandering away present moment is illusion for you. And that illusion is created by your own mind. But living with those illusions, create many problems, some you can see, feel and experience, others just stay inside of your head, in the unconscious and then you start searching for enjoyment, the need of refreshment arises and your mind wanders away even more. It is the endless cycle of the mind, it creates problems unknowingly and it suffers from its own created problems. 

But is present moment real?

Yes, you have to tame your mind to be in present moment.You have to train your mind to become watchful so that you don't miss out.

To be in the present moment mind should stop its habit, the habit of wandering away. Mind should learn to become still and silent. There comes a moment when all the thoughts disappears, even you are not reacting on this new phenomenon, you are not analyzing this thoughtless state.

When this state of mind is achieved even for a moment, it creates new dimension inside your mind. It opens a new way of thinking and you start analyzing things or situations in different yet in a clear way. Now you perceive things differently yet vividly and faster than before. You notice your senses are heightened every time your mind becomes watchful, not reactive. For starters, body feels light, mind feels clear, joyful. Not even a ounce of stress or tension arises. Focus becomes so common you don't have to focus to focus. This is a progressive path. Taming the mind to remain watchful helps even while sleeping. Many experience awake while sleeping, asleep and awake simultaneously. Going further in this path, one starts to have lucid dreams. One can experience dream so clearly he/she realizes in dream that, 'this is my dream' and after waking up one can clearly remember that awesome dream. Anyway, these kind of amazing experiences increase as you go further in this path.  

Being still builds very uncommon habit in your mind then you can understand the nature of nature. And then one can understand the realism of present. Until then, be still, be silent and be watchful.

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